Tuesday 20 May 2014

Avocado Egg Cups!!

This has to be one our easiest and yummiest recipes yet! It's soooo good!!!


  • 1 Avocado
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch salt and pepper
  • What ever topping you fancy! We went for coriander and a bit of sweet chilli sauce!


  1. Heat the oven to 350F/ Gas Mark 4/ 177C
  2. Chop the avocado in half and carefully remove the stone
  3. Crack your eggs into the hole in the middle- if the avocado is a bit small you might need to scoop out a bit of the middle to fit your eggs
  4. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper and but in the oven for 10/15 mins. Cooking time depends how well done you like your eggs, we left ours 15 mins but it would of been better a bit less done!
  5. Put on your toppings while the avocado is still warm and enjoy!

Suggested toppings

This would taste really good with more spice, fresh chillies would be great. Or could add some bacon on the side (with all the fat cut off obviously!). How about roasting some tomatoes at the same time and sprinkling with a little low fat feta or parmesan? Have fun experimenting!

Monday 19 May 2014

Exam Day Brekkie Bars!

Too busy cramming to make breakfast on exam morning? Its so important to have a good breakfast so you can perform your best! These bars can be grabbed from the fridge on your way in! At only 215 calories a bar they are a great source of healthy energy!


  • 2 ounces of apple, chopped up small
  • 100g rolled oats
  • 240g dates, pitted and chopped
  • 227g pecans
  • 2 tbsp cinnamon
  • pinch of salt


  1. Heat oven to 350F/ 277C/ gas mark 4
  2. Put the pecans and oats into a lined baking tray and cook for 10-15 mins- don't let them burn!
  3. line a 8x8 or 12x12 pan with baking paper
  4. Put the toasted nuts and oats in a blended with the dates, cinnamon and salt. 
  5. Process until there are no big bits left and its clumping together
  6. Throw in the apples and blend again until all coming together with no big lumps. 
  7. Poor the mix into the lined pan and spread it out until flat.
  8. Cook in the oven for 20 mins, wait until cool then chop into 12 pieces! Pop them in the fridge ready for morning!

Monday 12 May 2014

Happy Beet Day!

Beet Burgers!

Hope you've enjoyed Beet day! We've reached dinner and its time for Beet Burgers!
This amazing recipe is adapted from Green Kitchen Stores and makes 6-8 burgers.

  • 4-5 beets
  • 150g rolled oats
  • 1 small onion
  • 200g low fat feta
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • tbsp olive oil
  • 2 eggs
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • Toppings- whatever you fancy! Avocado, tomato and lettuce is amazing!
  1. Peel the beets, onion and garlic and put into a blender until they are in kind of grated sized chucks (you're supposed to use a grater but that sounds looong!) Once chopped, put the veggies into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add the olive oil, oats, eggs, cubes of the feta, salt and pepper and mix it all up and leave for 30 mins for the oaks to soften.
  3. Shape into burgers (if they fall apart add more oats). Another good tip is to put them in the fridge for a bit before grilling to help them hold their shape.
  4. Grill the beet burgers in a griddle pan/ on the BBQ/ in the oven- however really! Cook until golden on both sides and warm through.
  5. Serve in whole meal buns and top how you like!

BEETle Juice

We're kicking brilliant beet day off at breakfast! Try this super easy, super cheap juice!

  • 1 beet
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 apples
  • juice of half a lemon
  1. If you have a juicer, peel the beet, slice the apple and chop of the end of the carrot and put it all through. If you have a blender, remove all the skins and chop into small pieces before blending. 
  2. Don't forget to add the squeeze of lemon at the end, makes it taste sooo good! Enjoy!

Spicy Beet Crisps

We all need snacks to keep us going through a long library day! Try these super healthy Spicy Beet crisps!
  • 1 Large Beetroot
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 tsp chilli powder
(BTW- The first time we made these completely plain and they still tasted great! Don't worry if you don't have/ like all the spices- EXPERIMENT!)

  1. Take the skin off the beet and use a vegetable peeler to chop into thin slices.
  2. Put all the spices into a bowl, mix around and rub onto the beet slices. The beet juice should make them stick
  3. Lie a drying rack across a baking tray and spread the slices onto.
  4. Put the tray into the oven at around gas mark 2.\
  5. Be careful because these burn really quickly! Check every 5 mins, they should only take 15!
  6. When the slices are dried out remove them, they might not be completely crisp yet but leave them out to cool on the rack and they will crisp up!

Saturday 10 May 2014

Balsamic Beet Salad!

There are so many great qualities to beetroot to keep us fit and healthy, take a look at this infographic from rawforbeauty.com.

Our beet salad was a bit of a friday night treat so there were a couple of cheeky ingredients, bacon lardons and feta cheese. These ingredients massively increase the fat and salt content, so to make this more healthy just remove those ingredients!
However, did you know that feta has 1/3 of the fat and calories of cheddar, and if you buy a low fat version this can third again! So if you're craving a cheesy fix as we were, feta is the was to go!

Balsamic Beet Salad 

(recipe makes 2 dinners and left overs for lunch!)


  • 2 fresh beets
  • 1 red onion
  • half sweet potato
  • 4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
  • Small block of feta and one small pack of smokey bacon lardons (if you've been a really good healthy student all week and are feeling a bit cheeky!)
  • Whatever fresh salad ingredients you fancy/ have in the fridge! We had a 3 handfuls of watercress and rocket salad, 6 halved cherry tomatoes, cucumber sliced and quartered and slices of avocado 


  1. Pre-heat your oven to gas mark 5/190°C/375°F
  2. Peel the outer skins off the red onion, half sweet potato and beets then chop into chunks (About 2cm cubes)- WARNING- beets are very messy, do not use your housemate's chopping board (oops!)
  3. Put the chopped vedge into an oven tray, cover with 3 tbsp of balsamic vinegar and add and pinch of salt and pepper then mix it all up!
  4. Pop the vedge mix in the oven for about 60 mins (until soft), makes sure you mix it round a few times in between so it doesn't burn.
  5. When the roasted vedge is nearly ready, chuck the bacon into a pan and cook until crispy- if you have a good non-stick pan no oil will be needed, if not we recommend the 1cal spray!
  6. When the bacon is crisped up, throw in the pumpkin seeds to heat through, they will start jumping around the pan when they need to be taken off the heat!
  7. Chuck all your fresh salad ingredients into a big mixing bowl. 
  8. Remove the roasted vedge form the oven, mix in the feta and leave to cool a little.
  9. Put all the ingredients in the mixing bowl with the remaining tbsp of balsamic vinegar and serve!