Tips and Fun Stuff

The easy, cheap guide to feeding yourself at uni

Check out this brilliant guide from Student Beans!
An absolute must read for all cash-strapped students, by which we mean - all students.

1. Keep your head down
We all know what supermarkets are like, let’s not pretend otherwise and certainly let’s not pretend we’re somehow immune to their powers.
Invisible men with pay-packets we can only dream of have made their fortunes placing products in the perfect position for us mugs to grab and shove in our trolleys.
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Protip: 98.3% of these products we impulse buy are not on our shopping lists and we did not plan on buying them. Now, that may well be a completely fabricated percentage, but the point still stands; if you're in the supermarket, avoid eye-contact with special offers.

2. Do it online

To counter the mermaid calls of these end-of-aisle special offers you must rid yourself of the aisle itself. That’s right, online shopping is the way to go.
This has the added advantage of negating the need to lug a gaggle of shopping bags onto a bus and pissing everyone off in the process.
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Protip: By getting your housemates involved, you can make sure your spend goes over the minimum delivery spend.

3. Avoid brands

Obvious. Obvious. Obvious. Obvious. We know, we heard you the first time but that doesn’t mean the point isn’t worth making.
Product branding is a pure example of how marketing departments the world over are making fools pay more money for things than they have to. Don’t be one of those fools.
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Of course, there are a few things which you simply have to have branded, we understand that, and as long as you stick to only a couple of branded goods per shop, that’s fine.
That fact is though, most supermarket-own products are incredibly similar to the branded goods - sometimes even made in the same factories.
Protip: Plan meals beforehand, write a list accordingly and stick to the list.

4. Go green

Veggies, now is your turn to down your falafel and grass smoothie, release a hearty, ethically superior belch and chuckle at all those impoverished carnivores you know. For all you meat-eaters, don’t fret, we don’t mean to turn you fully vegetarian.
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However, by cutting down your meat consumption and buying more vegetables you really can save money. The high cost of meat can add an extra tenner onto your shopping bill easily which can make a big difference on the old account balance.
Protip: Look for vegetarian recipes online, you may be pleasantly surprised.

5. Bulk, don’t sulk

Once your food has been flown in by the magic delivery fairy, you are ready to cook - a good way to do this is in bulk. By setting aside a free afternoon, you can cook up a few large meals to be frozen for later in the week.
There’s nothing quite like getting home, cold, wet and exhausted realising you have a decent meal already cooked that just needs microwaving. BLISS.
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Protip: Paste, don’t waste. If you have a load of leftover ingredients knocking around in the fridge, get yourself some jalfrezi paste and make a leftovers curry. It’s a scientific fact that all ingredients can be put in a curry. Apart from skittles. Never put skittles in a curry.
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More great fitness tips!

Hi Guys!
This weekend we caught up with another of our super health followers, Shirin!

To keep fit and healthy I really enjoy training at my gym which is a strength and conditioning centre as well as crossfit. The only machine they have is a rower so it forces you to use your body more. I enjoy high intensity workouts with body weight exercises and weighted exercises. I also enjoy using the barbell for olympic lifts and strongman exercises like prowler and tyre flipping. I also stick to a clean healthy diet in the week including juices and smoothies, with a variety of vegetables and fruit in my diet, and having a big meal in the evening usually with lean cuts of meat like chicken, turkey, pork and steak mince. I also buy from my meat local butcher so the meat is organic and buy my fruits and veg from a local grocer.
Some of my favourite things to do is go for long walks by the beach or in the countryside. I also love kundalini yoga and rock climbing. I'm a massive chocolate fanatic so I allow myself the weekend to really blow out and eat all the naughtier foods I don't indulge in during the week. I also really enjoy eating a delicious variety of foods, and will tend to spend the weekends finding somewhere new and interesting to try out.
What motivates me is progress pictures. There's nothing more inspiring than seeing your own body evolve and change. When I was on tour in Asia in 2013, I got into the best shape of my life from eating clean foods, working out in the day and performing at high energy for 4-5 hours a night on stage. I look back at photo's of myself then to inspire my workouts now and know that my body is a powerful thing and I can achieve whatever I will it to!
My tips for others would be: Find a hobby that you really enjoy. Exercise, when done right, should make you want to go back again and again because of the feeling you get from it. Don't be afraid to try things out and if they don't work look for a new interest. You're never too old to be a beginner. I'd also recommend eating healthy in the week and relaxing more on the weekends. It tends to fit more into the work life calendar and you don't need to then feel guilty for having the foods you secretly miss.
Lastly i'd find something that motivates you to be a better version of yourself, not anyone else! For me it happens to be visual images, but for you it might be inspiring words, or music or feeling you body and all the little bumps and grooves. Whatever it is embrace it, and better it!

Check out Shirin's website for great music, gorgeous photos and exiting news about her up coming tour! Great inspiration for all of us!

Seven Natural Hangover Cures

1. Hydrate to Clear Out Toxins
To help the detoxification process along, it's always a good idea to drink plenty of water before, during and after imbibing of your favorite spirit. Before going to bed, try to down two big cups. In the a.m., as awful as it may seem, hydrate again. Water is great, but tomato juice with cayenne pepper, sugar, and lime should also be added to the hydration options as the concoction helps replenish electrolytes and get blood sugar back on track. No tomato juice in the house? Try a glass of water with a dash of salt and sugar both before bed and immediately upon waking up.

2. Try Tiger Balm to Help the Headache
Tiger Balm, a popular topical used traditionally in Asia as a multi-purpose remedy, is blended from camphor, menthol, cajuput oil and clove oil and known for its analgesic and blood flow promoting properties. It may not be made to mitigate hangovers, but it is one of the best topical headache cures around. Dab the potent, eye-stinging salve on the back of your neck and temples, massage it in, and wait a few minutes until your headache seemingly melts away.

3. Soak in Wasabi to Stimulate Detoxification
As much as a third of toxic body waste is cleared through the skin. So doesn't it suddenly make complete sense to soak in a tub of toxin-purging wasabi? Don?t dismiss the hot stuff as a mere smear on your sustainable sushi! Turns out that at the root of this go-to miracle tonic?s power, wasabi (which is actually a member of the cabbage family) has the ability to increase blood circulation through the organs and promote oxygenation of the cellular tissue, helping to clear cells of metabolic waste. When infused into the bath, wasabi?s stimulating nature has been known to help ease a hangover.

4. Make a Mustard Bath to Flush out Alcohol
You slather it on a hot dog for added oomph, dab it on Chinese food for its guaranteed kick, pour some in your bath to detox...right? Well, we do. Because of its noted ability to increase circulation and draw toxins out from the organs, mustard has become a little-known hangover-healing health secret. Once the organs are flushed, they naturally are replenished with clean and vital blood.
While you could soak in a tub filled with the goopy yellow stuff, we suggest a mustard bath powder like Kalahari Detox Mustard Bath with added mineral salts, eucalyptus and camphor to even further amp up the detox-ability. You can also make your own mustard bath by pouring 2 tbsp of pure mustard powder into warm running bath water. Steep for 20 minutes. Dry off. Take a nap and let the mustard take effect.

5. Rub Your Hangover Out of Your Feet
Reflexology is a known remedy for a slew of ailments?hangovers included. To rub your aches and pains away (while assisting to speed up liver detoxification) stimulate the outer edge area on the right foot, about halfway between the middle of the foot and the little toe. This is the reflex to the liver. You may notice some "crunchy" texture—which is a sign that there is some congestion in the area associated with that spot.

6. Try this Hangover-Helper Yoga Pose
Perfect as a post-party liver purge, twisting yoga poses help to squeeze the alcohol out of the organs (imagine twisting a towel to squeeze out water).
The Seated Twist
- Get out of bed and sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you.
- Bend your left knee and cross your leg over your right, placing your left foot on the floor beside the outside of your right knee.
- Rotate your torso to the left so you are twisting your body.
- Bring your right arm across your body and place your right hand on the floor beside your left butt cheek. Use this arm to help you twist even more.
- Inhale big belly breaths. Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Switch sides.

7. Finish your Night with a different type of Shot...Wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is a natural detoxifier. It is said to cleanse the body's blood and water, hydrating and energizing the cells. Considered a "life sustaining food," the chlorophyll in wheatgrass helps clear your insides out, naturally deodorizing, enhancing wound healing, maintaining pH balance, healing the intestines, and delivering powerful antioxidants and enzymes to support the body both inside and out. Drink a glass at the end of the night for instant detoxifying and hydration, then again the morning after to further detox and energize.

Information from:

Fitness tips from Mitch!

One of our favourite HSB follows and fellow healthy food bloggers Mitch has been telling us how he likes to stay fit, check out the interview below!

What do you like to do to stay fit and healthy?
For me it is all about variety and keeping the body guessing. Therefore I like to do a mix of freerunning and parkour specific training, alongside crossfit, olympic weightlifting and also going rock climbing and on long walks or hikes. I train at an amazing Crossfit facility (NMA Performance) that is packed with fantastic equipment such as a giant pull up rig, kettlebells, ropes, boxes, and endless number of olympic bars and bumper plates perfect for creating workouts and routines that work the whole body.

What are your favourite fitness activities?
I love training in a gymnastic facility with trampolines, sprung floor, foam pits and the gymnastic bars etc. This gives me so much variety to practice learning new flips and moves safely and it also allows you to feel like a kid again, jumping into a huge pit of foam... Whats not to love! Weight training wise I love overhead squats as they are such a technical move and work the entire body. A session of those done properly and you will feel it for a few days. I also really enjoy plyometric workouts that focus on explosive jumping power e.g Box Jumps.
What motivates you?
As I perform and coach parkour and freerunning for my job, It goes without saying I have to be fit and healthy to be effective and so that is a great form of motivation. Also funnily enough food motivates me... After a tough workout I like to have a huge feast of something protein packed, healthy and best of all delicious. I create recipes such as protein brownies or cheesecakes which make you feel like you are indulging but they are actually healthy and the perfect thing to eat after a workout!

Do you have any tips for others?
Find something you enjoy! If you don't enjoy exercising then you won't want to do it. I hate running and so never go on runs, however the thought of a gymnastic or crossfit session is exciting and I REALLY want to do it. Also I hate crash diets, if people want to lose weight it should be more about working out what healthy foods you enjoy and eating more of those, whilst still allowing room for those indulgent treats on the odd occasion. I eat healthy monday to friday (still including my protein treats though) and then on the weekend I relax my diet and eat chocolate and those things I fancy! Think about long term plans, not a few weeks at a time. A 'diet' should be a lifestyle.

Thanks Mitch!!

Check out Mitch's brilliant healthy food site at:

10 Benefits of drinking hot water and lemon first thing in the morning 

Most probably the cheapest tip we could ever give and also one of the most beneficial!
1 Small slice of lemon
1 Mugful of slightly cooled boiling water 

1) Aids Digestion. Lemon juice flushes out unwanted materials and toxins from the body. It’s atomic composition is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of digestive juices. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that is required for digestion. Lemons are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract. The digestive qualities of lemon juice help to relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn, belching and bloating. The American Cancer Society actually recommends offering warm lemon water to cancer sufferers to help stimulate bowel movements.
2) Cleanses Your System / is a Diuretic. Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials in part because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Therefore toxins are released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy. The citric acid in lemons helps maximize enzyme function, which stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification.
3) Boosts Your Immune System. Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds.  They’re high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) found in lemons demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms plus it enhances iron absorption in the body; iron plays an important role in immune function. Lemons also contain saponins, which show antimicrobial properties that may help keep cold and flu at bay. Lemons also reduce the amount of phlegm produced by the body.
4) Balances pH Levels. Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. Sure, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they’re alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). Lemons contain both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easily metabolized from the body allowing the mineral content of lemons to help alkalize the blood. Disease states only occur when the body pH is acidic. Drinking lemon water regularly can help to remove overall acidity in the body, including uric acid in the joints, which is one of the primary causes of pain and inflammation.
5) Clears Skin. The vitamin C component as well as other antioxidants helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes and it helps to combat free radical damage. Vitamin C is vital for healthy glowing skin while its alkaline nature kills some types of bacteria known to cause acne. It can actually be applied directly to scars or age spots to help reduce their appearance. Since lemon water purges toxins from your blood, it would also be helping to keep your skin clear of blemishes from the inside out. The vitamin C contained in the lemon rejuvenates the skin from within your body.
6) Energizes You and Enhances Your Mood. The energy a human receives from food comes from the atoms and molecules in your food. A reaction occurs when the positive charged ions from food enter the digestive tract and interact with the negative charged enzymes. Lemon is one of the few foods that contain more negative charged ions, providing your body with more energy when it enters the digestive tract. The scent of lemon also has mood enhancing and energizing properties. The smell of lemon juice can brighten your mood and help clear your mind. Lemon can also help reduce anxiety and depression.
7) Promotes Healing. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), found in abundance in lemons, promotes wound healing, and is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of healthy bones, connective tissue, and cartilage. As noted previously, vitamin C also displays anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of good health and recovery from stress and injury.
8) Freshens Breath. Besides fresher breath, lemons have  been known to help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. Be aware that citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so you should be mindful of this. No not brush your teeth just after drinking your lemon water. It is best to brush your teeth first, then drink your lemon water, or wait a significant amount of time after to brush your teeth. Additionally, you can rinse your mouth with purified water after you finish your lemon water.
9) Hydrates Your Lymph System. Warm water and lemon juice supports the immune system by hydrating and replacing fluids lost by your body. When your body is deprived of water, you can definitely feel the side effects, which include: feeling tired, sluggish, decreased immune function, constipation, lack of energy, low/high blood pressure, lack of sleep, lack of mental clarity and feeling stressed, just to name a few.
10) Aids in Weight Loss. Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. Studies have shown people who maintain a more alkaline diet, do in fact lose weight faster. I personally find myself making better choices throughout the day, if I start my day off right, by making a health conscious choice to drink warm lemon water first thing every morning.

Information from:

New Innocent Smoothie Flavours Review 

Energise -
I thought this was a really nice fruity flavour. I was abit concerned about the Beetroot flavour but actually, I couldn't directly taste it. I definitely thought it was energising.  I did however, find that the smoothie tasted very similar to some of the existing Innocent smoothies, which is not necessarily a bad thing as they are all delicious.
Would I buy again : yes
Score: 8/10

Antioxidant :
This one tasted like pure health. It would be great if you were undergoing a detox. The wheatgrass content would be a definite attraction for some, especially as very very few other supermarket smoothies have wheatgrass content.
I wasn't overly keen on the taste but it just tasted so healthy that I felt good for drinking the bottle.
Would I buy again: yes/no ( think you have to be an specific mind frame to enjoy this)
Score 8/10

I could really taste the mango in this one. I also really liked the echinacea content which (sorry boys) is especially good for women.
I couldn't taste the pumpkin directly but it was a really interesting fresh taste. This was my favourite.
Would I buy again: yes
Score 10/10

There are some great introductory offers on these at the moment. So watch out and snap one up.
We'd love to hear your thoughts.
Enjoy x

( this review is entirely independent and we paid for the products)

Today is National Pigs-In-Blankets Day (yes, you read that correctly – who would’ve known?!). We’re asking, just how bad is Pork for you?

In general, many health nutritionists advise you to stay away from processed Pork like Bacon as they are often fatty, meaning it is harder for your body to digest it. Also, this kind of Pork often contains higher amounts of salt and preservatives which may raise your blood pressure.
However, Pork isn’t all that bad! Lean cuts of it can be good for you. Ounce for ounce, lean Pork has less fat than a chicken breast!
Also, lean Pork is high in protein (over average, it contains 21.8g of protein per 100g) which is needed for healthy growth and keeping your bones strong!
Plus, it is full of B Vitamins which help with your metabolism and energy levels and Zinc which boosts your immune system.

Nutritionists give good advice for eating Pork. If you’re having Pork chops, always trim the fat away and grill them. The chops will contain around one third of the fat of roasted, untrimmed chops!













7 Reasons You Should Eat Eggs for Breakfast

1. Egg keep you feeling full much longer than cereal or toast.
The protein and fat in eggs helps sustain your energy levels, keeping you satisfied for longer and reducing the need for a mid morning snack.
2. Eggs assist weight loss.
This is a follow on benefit from keeping you satiated. Studies have shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast are more likely to lose weight than those who ate bagels.
3. Eggs are a great source of protein.
Whole eggs are one of the most complete sources of protein, meaning eggs contain all the essential amino acids which we must get from our diets.
4. Eggs tend to be relatively inexpensive.
Compared to other high protein foods such as red meat, even free range eggs are more budget friendly.
5. Eggs aren’t going to make your cholesterol worse.
While it’s true that eggs do contain a significant amount of cholesterol, the old formula of the cholesterol you eat impacting on your blood cholesterol levels, has been disproven. So there’s no need to worry about eating eggs increasing your risk for heart disease.
6. Eggs help with brain development and memory.
Choline, an essential nutrient found in eggs, stimulates brain development and function. It has also been linked with increasing memory retention and recall as well as improving alertness.
7. Eggs protect your eyesight.
Two antioxidants, leutin and zeaxanthin, are present in eggs and have been linked to protecting eyes from damage related to UV exposure. They have also been associated with reducing the likelihood of developing cataracts in old age.

We asked HSB follower Jo about how she uses the gym to keep fit and healthy

Hi Jo, can you tell me what things you do to keep fit and healthy?

Hi! Well, the main things I do are go to the gym and go swimming. My local gym has a swimming pool in it – I try to go there 5 to 6 times a week for about an hour and I’ll either do one of them or combine them together.
I also enjoy exercise classes such as Zumba and BodyPump, and I’m going to try Pilates next week!

That sounds great Jo! What are your favourite things to do at the gym?

I like to mix up my work-outs; I find it gets dull to keep doing the same thing. Some days I will go on the treadmill and do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), which is where you do a low intensity exercise such as walking and then a high-intensity burst of exercise such as fast running, and you repeat it. It’s tough but it is effective for me! Then I’ll finish that with a nice cool-down in the pool. Or some days I’ll spend more time using weights rather than cardio.

What motivates you to go to the gym?

I’d say definitely a good pair of trainers and gym attire. I think investing in something that makes you feel confident in the gym makes you more motivated to go.

Do you have any tips for others?

My top tip is to buddy up and go to the gym with a friend as it’s a good motivator, even if we do different activities when we get there - the hardest part is getting off the sofa in the first place!
I’d also say check out all the local gyms to get the best deal, especially if you’re a student. My cheap student membership made me more motivated to go.
And finally, make use of your gym induction and personal training so you can understand your own goals and how to achieve them correctly.

Do you do anything else to keep healthy?

Definitely, I try to eat a good diet, it’s really important. I try to eat smaller meals more often rather than three big meals as it helps increase my metabolism. My favourite healthy meal to make myself is sea bass with new potatoes, green beans and roasted peppers.  I drink lots of water too as it’s good to keep hydrated. 

Introducing our Competition Winner Lauren

Today we announced the winner of our Healthy Student Bible competition to win £50 in cash!!

Our winner of the Health Freak Name competition, Lauren, also known as Melon Cheeks, was super happy to receive the money this afternoon (as can be seen in the picture!). She has told us she wants to buy some new running shoes or a blender – how exciting!

Thank you to everyone who entered! Keep an eye out for our next competition :)

Love the HSB Team x

We asked HSB Follower Louise all about her love of Zumba and how it keeps her healthy


Hi Louise, can you tell us what Zumba is for those who don’t know, and when and why you first started it?
Zumba is a relatively new style of dance which has taken the world by storm! It’s a mixture of aerobics and Latin American dance, so it gives you an all round workout!
I’ve been dancing since I was 3, so I’ve always loved my dance classes. When I went to University I had to leave my dance school, and when I heard about local Zumba classes and groups I thought what better way to keep up my dancing whilst exercising!

What is it about Zumba that you love?
I love the fact that, as with all dancing, you are getting some great exercise whilst having lots of fun at the same time! I try to go to the gym to keep fit, but I just find that I get bored and give up too easily. Dancing is something that I love and I find I can just keep going and going, without even properly realising just how much I am working my body and burning off those calories!  A lot of people don’t realise how much stamina and core muscle you need to be a good dancer, and Zumba is a great way to improve on both of these.

What are the 3 best songs to Zumba to?
Ooh that’s a tough one! There are so many great songs that we dance to at my Zumba class, which all take on different styles of Latin dance that I love. If I had to choose though, I think I would have to go for Mambo No. 5 by Lou Bega, Baila Pa Emociona by Zumba and Let’s Get Loud by Jennifer Lopez. I love the fast paced dances the most as they really make you work hard and sweat buckets!

What other ways do you keep healthy?
I love to walk – I try to walk wherever I can, rather than driving or taking the bus. On weekends where I don’t have anything planned I like to go on hikes in the country with my boyfriend, which are usually between 3 and 5 hours. We are so lucky to have such beautiful countryside in England, and what better way to see it than walking through it so you can stop and admire the views?!
During the week I try to workout every other day or so. I’m currently taking on the “30 day squat challenge” and there’s a great workout called “T 25” which I try to do when I can – it’s a killer, but it’s worth it!

And finally, what’s your top tip for being healthy for our HSB followers?
Ultimately, it’s about eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and doing as much exercise as you can. Push yourself, but only to the limits your body can handle, and most importantly – have fun!! If you’re having fun whilst you’re exercising you are more likely to work harder and keep it up. Get your friends involved and have a laugh; having great company always helps and they can be great motivators. 

Struggling Giving Up Chocolate for Lent?

If you're struggling to give up chocolate for lent this year, check out this guide from Mahalo to help you overcome the temptations for the next month!

Worried about keeping healthy when you start work?

We caught up with HSB follower Brad to discuss the impacts of a work placement on a healthy lifestyle.

So Brad, tell me a bit about your work placement!

I started work for a small IT company based in London back in June, in an area full of tasty and calorie-packed temptations!

Do you think work makes it harder to keep up with a healthy lifestyle?

Definitely! I think the hardest part is getting up early and leaving the house in a rush which means sometimes I used to skip breakfast. Also, working a 9 hour day and the tiredness that comes with this means I initially couldn’t find the energy to go to the gym or prepare lunch for the next day. Consequently, I pigged out on fast food outlets and the biscuits and sugary drinks that the company offered. I soon found out a diet like this (2 for Tuesdays from Papa John’s was hard to resist!) was not going to work – less 6 pack of abs and more 6 pack of rolls!

How did you overcome them?

Gastric band… only joking!
I learnt making the most of my time was key. Instead of sitting around during my lunch break, I decided to sign up to a local gym and pump some iron!
I’ve also set myself a little reward system, whereby I have 4 healthy-ish days and then treat myself to something naughty on the Friday.

Do you think being healthy has positively impacted on your time at work?

Yes, I feel like I have more energy to apply to the job and in general I feel more confident and better about myself.

Do you have any tips for students soon to be in your position?

Ooh this is a tough one! Prepare yourself – time management is the key. Over the past few weeks I have bought myself some porridge for the office (put it on work expenses, cheeky!), and eat it as soon as I arrive whilst I check my emails. But my top tip is to cook more than you need at dinner and take the remaining food into work for the next day!

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