Healthy Cakes, Puddings and Drinks!

100% Healthy Pancakes 

These Pancakes are so delicious and you can enjoy them knowing that they are 100% healthy, what could be better.....

(For 2 people)

Two Bananas
Two Eggs
Two pinches of Cinnamon (Organic was the same price as Non- Organic, always check because sometimes you can be pleasantly surprised)

(With these pancakes go by the rule of one banana/ egg/pinch of cinnamon per person)


Step one:

Mash/ Blend the Bananas

I love a fruity topping with these so just after step one I heat a handful of fresh or frozen berries with spoonful of honey or maple syrup

Step two:

Add the eggs 

Step three:

Blend them together

Step four:

Add the Cinnamon and blend 

Step five:

Use either a dash of coconut oil or olive oil to cook the pancakes with
A couple of minutes each side/ until the are browned

Step six:

Eat eat eat your healthy treat. 
Any fresh fruit toppings work well with these, I find Mango particularly delicious.  

Enjoy x

Some healthy versions of our favourite cocktails for the weekend!

Pina CoLIGHTer

Everyone's favourite holiday drink can be up to a whopping 800 calories per glass! We've added some healthy tricks to reduce the calories and keep the flavour!

Prep Time
2 Minutes


120ml sparkling water
1 tablespoon of Cream of Coconut Light (found in the drink mixers section of most supermarkets)
45ml coconut-flavored rum 
90ml pineapple juice

Pour ingredients over ice and stir! 

Cosmopolitan alternative- Apple Sour Martini

Prep Time
2 Minutes


75ml sour mix
25ml vodka
25ml apple sourz
Slice of Apple
Pour ingredients into a martini glass and stir! 

Student Tips
This recipe will work with any sourz that you may have left over from a pre-drinks! 

Another great recipe from Macro Mitch, this week we're baking!

Cinnamon Vanilla Swirl Protein Cupcakes

Prep Time
10 Minutes
Cook Time
12 Minutes
6 Cupcakes
I love cinnamon it has a heap of health benefits such as regulating blood sugars, helping to reduce inflammation and boost your metabolism.
Yes, I used baby food in this recipe. But wait! Before you run off scared, let me explain myself. I went to buy applesauce but every brand had added sugar. I had a brainwave and cautiously approached the baby food aisle and then I spotted this beauty! It was only 99p for 4 pots at Sainsburys and when you look at the ingredients, you will understand why I chose it:
Ingredients: 1 small apple (65%), 1/4 pear (35%), Vitamin C
You can of course substitute this for apple sauce if you are too scared to be eating baby food….

Cupcake Ingredients:
                64g (2 Scoops) x Icon Nutrition's Cinnamon Vanilla Swirl Protein
                100g x Ground Oats
                2 x Egg Whites (66ml)
                100ml x Unsweetened Almond Milk
                100g (1 Pot) x Apple + Pear 100% Fruit Pot (or Apple Sauce)
                1tsp x Baking Powder
                1tsp x Cinnamon
Frosting Ingredients:
                100g x Liberté Greek Yoghurt
                16g (1/2 Scoop) x Icon Nutrition's Cinnamon Vanilla Swirl Protein

Nutrition Info
                Cupcake (With Frosting) 
14.8g Protein, 
11.1g Carbs, 
2.5g Fat
                1Cupcake (without frosting) 116kcals, 11.1g Protein, 10.4g Carbs and 2.4g Fat.

Pre-heat your oven to gas mark 3 (170C)
2. Put all the cupcake ingredients in a food processor and blend until combined. The batter should be smooth but fairly runny.
Divide your mixture into 6 muffin moulds and place on a baking tray in the centre of your oven for 10-12 minutes. If they still look a little wet, leave them on the side for a few minutes to see if they cook through on residual heat, if not pop them back in for another minute, then leave to cool.
Make up your protein frosting by mixing your greek yoghurt and half a scoop of protein until you have a nice thick consistency.
5. Put the frosting in a piping bag (if you don’t one, just snip the corner off a sandwich bag!). Pipe on your frosting and sprinkle with cinnamon!

P.s As the frosting is with fresh yoghurt, make sure to store them in the fridge (if they manage to last that long).

Student Tips
Mitch's vanilla swirl protein came from
Why not experiment with adding whichever protein flavour you have at home?
Don't have protein powder? Add vanilla essence to flavour instead! However this will obviously alter the protein quantity for the recipe.

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