Bedroom Workouts

Super Easy 6 step workout- NO EXCUSES!!

Ultimate Dorm Workout

Try out these great halls workouts from Mens Health!

  • Stand with your head, upper back, and butt touching a wall.
  • Raise your arms so that the back of your hands touch the wall. Bend your elbows 90 degrees with your upper arms parallel to the ground.
  • Pull your shoulders down and back as you slide your elbows up the wall as far as you can. Then slide your elbows down the wall as far as you can.
  • Keep your butt, upper back, head, hands, and elbows in contact with the wall throughout the movement.
  • Perform the move at a tempo of 3 seconds up, 3 seconds down.
  • Lean against a wall with your feet 2 feet away from it at shoulder width.
  • Slowly lower your bottom and bend your knees. Keep your head, back, and tailbone in contact with the wall. Keep your knees in line with your ankles.
  • Pause six times as you lower down a few inches at a time. Hold each pause for 10 seconds.
  • At the bottom position, your thighs should be parallel to the floor.
  • Assume a pushup position with your feet fully planted against a wall.
  • Place your hands slightly in front of your forehead for maximum leverage.
  • Drive your heels into the wall. Bring your shoulders down and back, brace your core, and squeeze your glutes.
Perform 20 seconds of max effort stationary running (cardio exercise) followed by 10 seconds of rest. Then perform 20 seconds of max effort mountain climbers (core exercise) with hands and feet on the floor followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for 4 minutes total. To see why this routine is so effective, check out The Unbelievable 4-Minute Cardio Workout.
  • Get into a pushup position, your body parallel to and a couple inches away from a wall.
  • Rotate the back of your torso towards the wall, raising your opposite hand into the air.
  • With your arm straight, press the back of your hand against the wall and hold for 4 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat.
  • When you complete the cycle again, perform the exercise on your opposite side.
  • Assume a split stance position with your front knee and ankle aligned.
  • Keep your torso straight. Put your weight on the heel of your lead leg throughout the movement.
  • Slowly lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Your knee should form a 90-degree angle.
  • Rise up to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same movement as above, only with the opposite foot in front.
Perform 20 seconds of max effort seal jacks (cardio exercise), where you clap your hands in front of you instead of overhead. Follow with 10 seconds of rest. Then perform 20 seconds of push-up jacks (core exercise), where you jump your feet in and out while holding a push-up position. Follow with 10 second of rest. Repeat for 4 minutes total.
  • Sit upright in a chair with your feet flat on the floor at hip-width. Place your hands flat on the seat next to your hips, your arms straight.
  • Supporting yourself with your arms, scoot your butt off the chair.
  • Allow your shoulder and back muscles to relax so your butt lowers a few inches.
  • Press your shoulders down to lift your upper body as high as possible and hold for 5 seconds at the top position. Then relax your shoulders again. That’s one rep.
  • Get down on all fours. Place your hands under your shoulders. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, your knees bent at 90 degrees.
  • Raise your butt in the air so that your hips are aligned with your head.
  • Keeping that piked position, bend your arms and lower your head to the ground in 2 seconds. Keep your elbows tucked tight to your sides.
  • Push your arms straight in 2 seconds. That’s one rep.
  • With your hands at chest level, step up on a chair with your right leg.
  • Smoothly lower your body down in 5 seconds until your left leg touches the ground.
  • Step off of the chair completely, then repeat the movement with your left leg on the chair.
Perform 20 seconds of skater jumps (cardio exercise), where you leap from leg to leg in a side-to-side fashion. Rest for 10 seconds. Then for 20 seconds continuously transition from a pushup position to plank position, moving only your forearms. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat for 4 minutes total.
Do each workout once at least once a week, resting a day between each session. For each workout, do the exercises as a circuit. Do as many repetitions of each exercise as you can in 60 seconds. Then rest of 20 seconds, and move on to the next exercise. After you’ve completed one set of each exercise, rest for 60 seconds. That’s one round. Do a total of 3 rounds.
As the workouts become easier, work progressively up to 5 rounds with no rest between the rounds. (Still rest for 20 seconds between each exercise.)
A tip: Download the iWorkout Muse PRO app in the iTunes store to build your own custom interval-training soundtrack. It’ll automatically alert you when your time is up so you don’t have to keep checking your watch.
For an even greater challenge, tack on Gaddour’s optional 4-minute cardiovascular finisher after the strength portion to fire up your lungs and turbocharge your metabolism.
Exercise 1: Tempo Wall Slide
Make it harder: Push your arms, hands, and elbows against the wall as hard as you can.
Exercise 2: Six-Stop Wall Sit
Make it harder: Don’t just hold each position, but push your feet down harder into the floor to create more tension in your thighs. Vary your stance during each workout—either wider or narrower than shoulder-width.
Exercise 3: Pushup Hold with Feet Up Against Wall
Make it harder: Assume the same position as above, but place your feet about a foot up on a wall. Without moving your body, drive your heels into the wall.
Make it even harder: From the pushup position with feet up against a wall, do a mountain climber. Here’s how: In a controlled movement, bring one knee forward. Push the opposite foot against the wall to hold your form steady, but don’t let your lower back move up or down. Repeat with the opposite leg.
Finisher: 20-10 Cardio/Core Supersets
Exercise 1: T-Pushup Against Wall
Make it harder: Perform a full range of motion of pushup before every T-rotation.
Make it even harder: In the T position, raise your top leg.
Make it harder: Perform the same move, only with your rear leg propped up on a chair (called a Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat).
Make it even harder: In the Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat position, lower your hips and torso until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Come back up halfway, go back down to parallel, and then come all the way back up.
Exercise 3: Right-Leg Split Squat
Finisher: 20-10 Cardio/Core Supersets
Exercise 1: Chair Shrug
Make it harder: Do the same move but with your feet together.
Make it even harder: Raise one leg throughout the duration of the movement.
Exercise 2: Pike Pushup
Exercise 3: Eccentric Stepup
Make it harder: Place your hands behind your head.
Make it even harder: Hold your hands above your head.
Finisher: 20-10 Cardio/Core Supersets

Small Space Special!

Hey! Here's a collection of our favourite workouts you can do at home- even when you live in a shoe box! Who needs a gym membership? :)

We've found our favourite full body workout that's suitable for any uni room, thanks to Katherine Schreiber at Greatist! We can't promise you won't wake up your housemates though!

1. High Knees
Targets: Quads, glutes, calves, shins, hip flexors, cardio.
Run in place, bringing the knees above hip level. 3-5 sets of 30 second sprints with 20 seconds rest in between
Pro tip: Keep your hands in front of you at hip level, palms down, and try and slap them with your knees. Or, pump your arms like a sprinter, elbows at 90 degree angles, and pump those arms fast. 
2. Butt Kicks
Targets: Hamstringsquads, glutes, calves, shins and cardio.
Keep running in place, but this time kick your heels to your butt with each stride. Go as fast as you can for 3-5 sets of 30 seconds, 20 seconds of rest between each.
3. Jump Squats
Targets: Quads, glutes, calves, shins.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward. Sit back into a squat then drive your whole body up through your heels, shifting your weight onto the balls of your feet as you lift off. Be sure to land on the balls of your feet and immediately bend the knees into a full squat. Aim for three sets of 10-15 reps. 
Pro tip: If you can do these in front of a mirror, make sure your knees aren’t wobbling side to side while you squat or land.
4. T Push-Ups
Targets: Chest, triceps, shoulders, core, lats, adductors, abductors
Place the hands slightly wider than the shoulders and lower yourself down, tucking your elbows to your sides. Keep your chin from jutting forward (your chest should graze the floor first — not your head, hips, or anything else).  As you push up (keep that back straight!), shift your weight to your right side, lift your left arm off the floor, and rotate your torso to face the wall. Inhale here. On the exhale, carefully rotate the torso towards the floor, catching your weight with a slightly bent left arm. Lower down. Push up and, this time, balance on your left side, lift your right arm and rotate your torso towards the opposite wall. Three sets of 7-10 reps. Good luck!

5. Mountain Climbers

Targets: Chest, shoulders, triceps, core, hip flexors, hamstrings, quads
How to: Remember high knees from exercise #1? This is the same, but face down in the push-up position. Start by hiking your left knee towards the chest. Then quickly get that leg back and pop your right knee up to the chest. Go as fast as you can for 3-5 sets of 30-second bursts. 
6. Down-Dog to Up-Dog
Targets: Shoulders, arms, shoulders, back, shoulders, and core
Now don’t get too comfy on the floor. Move into downward facing dog — hands pushing into the floor, torso straight, bum in the air, balls of the feet on the ground, heels driving down. Shift your weight forward so you’re in a push-up position. Lower down, place your knees on the floor, then shift to the tops of your feet as you push through to upward facing dog, arching your spine. Tilt the pelvis forward to protect the back. Inhale, exhale. On the next inhalation, lift the hips up and back to where you began. Repeat 5-10 times through, at your own pace.
7. Leg Lifts
Targets: Hip flexors, abdominals, obliques
Lie down on the floor. Press your lower back against the ground. Put your hands under your bum or beside your hips. From here, lift your legs straight up to a 90 degree angle, then lower back down until they hover just above the floor without touching. Aim for three sets of 10 to 15 reps. 
8. Supermans
Targets: Low back, lats, shoulders
Roll onto the belly, and reach your arms above your head, keeping the legs straight. Lift your right arm and left leg at the same time, squeeze your glutes and low back muscles, then lower each and lift your left arm and right leg. That’s one. Three sets of 10- 15 reps. 
HSB tip! Play your music really loud (well you would have woken your housemates up already) and repeat this workout once or twice! Who needs a gym? Full body workout complete!


We love this girl- she is mental! Check it out at:

Military Fitness

This one is soooo hard! But the great thing is you can grow the reps so anyone can do it!
We recommend downloading a Tabata Timer on app store to you don't loose count of the time!

1 comment:

  1. Clean and press the first implement once. Move on to the other implement, then clean and press it once. Flat Abs Fast Free Workout DVD
