Tuesday 20 May 2014

Avocado Egg Cups!!

This has to be one our easiest and yummiest recipes yet! It's soooo good!!!


  • 1 Avocado
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch salt and pepper
  • What ever topping you fancy! We went for coriander and a bit of sweet chilli sauce!


  1. Heat the oven to 350F/ Gas Mark 4/ 177C
  2. Chop the avocado in half and carefully remove the stone
  3. Crack your eggs into the hole in the middle- if the avocado is a bit small you might need to scoop out a bit of the middle to fit your eggs
  4. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper and but in the oven for 10/15 mins. Cooking time depends how well done you like your eggs, we left ours 15 mins but it would of been better a bit less done!
  5. Put on your toppings while the avocado is still warm and enjoy!

Suggested toppings

This would taste really good with more spice, fresh chillies would be great. Or could add some bacon on the side (with all the fat cut off obviously!). How about roasting some tomatoes at the same time and sprinkling with a little low fat feta or parmesan? Have fun experimenting!

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